Color is an extremely important part of everyone's lives whether they recognize it or not. Color impacts our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions of the world in infinite ways. To understand color is to understand the true balance of nature and life because it is color that provides the world with both boundaries, expectations, and information on co-existence. Color is everywhere and inevitable, and to design to the best of our abilities, we must learn how color plays a role in every aspect in everyone's lives because it is the people for whom we are designing.Color Theory for Designers
This article talks about the different colors and how they affect every human's emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. Each color can portray very different messages and they greatly impact how we think of the world.
Natural Selections: Colors Found in Nature and Interface Design
Nature is truly the mother of everything that exists in our world today. We may not realize it, but all of our influences and creativity all in fact com from Nature herself, which includes color and how it plays a role in the lives of the millions upon millions of creatures.
Find Your Color: The Role of Color Psychology
This article discusses the symbolism behind each color and how most humans use these symbols to live their lives. Color symbolism can be found in clothing, spirituality and flags of nations and what they represent.
Color Theory for Business and Life
The business world has understood the concepts of color and how it can have great influences on people. We see it everyday everywhere we go and it is so well utilized that we hardly notice it a all.
Color Meanings
This article explored the relationships between different colors; how they can compliment or contrast each other. It also showed how some colors can look better with another color around it.
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