Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journal 10

Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Team Members:
Mary Polanski

Aaron Gegas

Michael Bickley
Amberly McGee
Sarah Jerels
Kerry Moore

-- Our team's final product was the Coleman Water Filter. I feel that we all worked together as a whole to come up with some great ideas for the packaging, logo, kiosk, and final design of the product. Though we could have communicated more throughout the process to maybe think of some more ideas, the way we collaborated worked fine and was definitely a learning experience for all of us to know what to do and what not to do when working on projects like this.
-- In the end, my contribution to the team consisted of thinking of logo and packaging ideas and I feel as if some of my ideas were incorporated into the final product. However, I do wish that I made an effort to contribute more to what everything looked like in the end because a part of me really likes to polish up some things and make them look very good and presentable. This is something I will take into consideration for other projects in the future.

Class Reflection 10

Overall, I think that this design course was very interesting and beneficial to my future. I am still stuck between being an architecture major or a design major or even a minor. But after this class I definitely have a much clearer vision of what type of work I will be doing as a designer and how I will need to think and what type of fun I will have. Hopefully next quarter I will have those questions answered about architecture after completing studio. Though I may have not enjoyed coming to class every lecture, I still recognized its importance and vitality to learning more about the majors and design as a whole and in the end i did learn a few things I didn't know before. The final project was very fun and entertaining, however, I do wish we has a little more time to work on it (maybe another possibly cut out the movie we watched about the legal stuff and the short videos about the designer). Again, overall I really did enjoy and learn some things from this class.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal 09

Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Team Members:
Mary Polanski

Aaron Gegas

Michael Bickley
Amberly McGee
Sarah Jerels
Kerry Moore

-- The team as been moving along very well. After thinking more about what the product would be and look like, we split into different groups to discuss more about the logo and packaging, kiosk, and product design. We all equally contributed ideas to the design and I feel like we could really have a great tangible item to produce.
-- My contribution to the team has gotten better. I have been more involved with the thought process of developing new ideas and designs the group.
-- The way we have been documenting ideas is by sketching and putting together our different ideas on paper and then presenting them to each other.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading Reflection 08

The last two chapters of Heskett's book talked about how we have to look at design and how they relate to their environments in which they exist in and their relationships with other objects. It also talked about future thinking. Designers are not to be designing for today but for tomorrow, and the days after that. This should always be in the mind of a designer because it will better connect humans together and will move us in a forward direction rather than being stagnant in our thinking.

Journal 08

Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Team Members:
Mary Polanski

Aaron Gegas

Michael Bickley
Amberly McGee
Sarah Jerels
Kerry Moore

-- I feel like the team as a whole has been making great progress. We initially came up with a few ideas for the project and talked about their pros and cons. Once we got past that area of thinking, we took a vote and chose one project to pursue as a team. Most of the members on the team contribute ideas to the design and concept as a whole and really help get the project off to a good start.
-- My contribution to the team was initially okay, but it has been getting better with bringing new ideas and concepts the table to help further the process. For future meetings I expect to contribute even more with speaking up about my ideas and sharing my thoughts.
-- Part of the documentation so far that we have done has been through researching, but some of us did have sketches to bring to the group meeting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Reading Reflection 07

The last few chapters of Cradle to Cradle talked about 3 main points. The first talked about how the world has gone from being productive in waste management and recycling through mother nature to wasting practically everything that we use and not putting it to good use anymore. The next point talked about how we should be using the materials and resources that exists around us instead of using the "popular" resources that may not work well in the environment in which we live in. Finally, the last point illustrated the ways that we could put all of this useful information to use instead of sitting round and complaining about it, not doing anything about the situation.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Class Reflection 07

I really liked past couple of lectures because the guest speakers really gave me a great view of what kind of work designers do while in school and even once graduated. Though it would be much time dedication, I know the experiences and end results will be worth it all.

Journal 07

Online Scavenger Hunt

Links to the websites of 5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in outdoor camping and recreation products.

Altrec -
US Outdoor -
Back Country -
Cabela's -
Camping World -

Links to the websites of 5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in indoor home goods products.

Home Goods -
Crate & Barrel -
Ace Hardware -
Lowes -
Ehome - Furnishing -


A indoor home good is any item that exists inside one's home that serves the purpose of making living at home more efficient and less of a hassle.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Journal 06

Color is an extremely important part of everyone's lives whether they recognize it or not. Color impacts our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions of the world in infinite ways. To understand color is to understand the true balance of nature and life because it is color that provides the world with both boundaries, expectations, and information on co-existence. Color is everywhere and inevitable, and to design to the best of our abilities, we must learn how color plays a role in every aspect in everyone's lives because it is the people for whom we are designing.

Color Theory for Designers

This article talks about the different colors and how they affect every human's emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. Each color can portray very different messages and they greatly impact how we think of the world.

Natural Selections: Colors Found in Nature and Interface Design

Nature is truly the mother of everything that exists in our world today. We may not realize it, but all of our influences and creativity all in fact com from Nature herself, which includes color and how it plays a role in the lives of the millions upon millions of creatures.

Find Your Color: The Role of Color Psychology

This article discusses the symbolism behind each color and how most humans use these symbols to live their lives. Color symbolism can be found in clothing, spirituality and flags of nations and what they represent.

Color Theory for Business and Life

The business world has understood the concepts of color and how it can have great influences on people. We see it everyday everywhere we go and it is so well utilized that we hardly notice it a all.

Color Meanings

This article explored the relationships between different colors; how they can compliment or contrast each other. It also showed how some colors can look better with another color around it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reading Reflection 06

Chapter 1: A Question of Design
This chapter mainly talked about how many of the things that are being designed are hazardous and dangerous not only to the environment but to humans. The authors ask, "Why are we still designing these things this way?"

Chapter 2: Why Being Less Bad is No Good
The authors explained in this chapter that even though some people may not be as harmful as others or may even reduce waste and toxins, the waste and toxins are still building up, just at a slower rate.

Chapter 3: Eco-effectiveness
This chapter basically explained how producing things that may claim to be eco-friendly are in fact just as bad for the environment because it takes different chemicals to produce these things and they harm the environment.

Class Reflection 06

Though I thought the movie was extremely boring and failed to stay awake through it all, I found the information pretty useful and important. As possibly a future designer, it is crucial to know and be familiar with the basics of patents, copyrights, and legal issues in order to successfully design without fault.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal 05

50 Things About a Trip to the Library
  1. There are 11 floors
  2. The main entrances aren't carpet
  3. The books are different colors
  4. The books are different sizes
  5. The books have different topics/subjects
  6. The chairs are comfortable
  7. There are stairs on either side of the building
  8. There are elevators on all sides of the building
  9. The ceilings are tall
  10. Glass serves as barriers in many places
  11. The floor tiles are glossy
  12. Many of the colors in the library are neutral or not bright
  13. The sunlight comes through the building
  14. There is a place to buy food and drinks
  15. There are places to eat and drink
  16. There are quiet places and noisy places
  17. There are electrical outlets on the floor
  18. Most tables are located towards the middle of an area rather than the walls
  19. There aren't books in the middle of the library
  20. There are specific stations for computer usage
  21. Information desks are located towards the front the the library
  22. The books are organized in a certain way
  23. Some signs hang from the ceiling
  24. The doors are either wooden, metal, or glass
  25. Some doors have handles while others have push bars
  26. The seating areas are spread out
  27. The books are on shelves rather than on the floor
  28. There are rails to prevent from people falling off upper levels
  29. Curtains cover the windows
  30. There are various vents around the building
  31. There are different types of lights
  32. Some people are talking with each other
  33. There are different types of flooring/tiles/patterns
  34. There are fire extinguishers around the building
  35. There are exit signs near doors
  36. Windows are placed where books are
  37. The computers face opposite of each other
  38. There are clocks scattered around the building
  39. The bathrooms are on either side of the building
  40. The men's and women's bathroom are right next to each other
  41. There are trash cans
  42. There are recycling bins
  43. Some rooms have televisions in them
  44. Some computers don't have chairs in front of them
  45. There are rooms without books in them
  46. The tables are square
  47. There are printing machines close to where the computers are
  48. There are many people sitting, walking, reading, and on a computer
  49. The elevators are made of a shiny silver material
  50. There are stands with a map of the library on them

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reading Reflection 05

In the introduction to Cradle to Cradle, the authors begin by flat out explaining that everything that we surround ourselves with is hazardous to our health and to the environments we live in. After explaining this, they then begin to introduce methods and ways our world today has taken steps to improve all of the corruption the authors claim that the world has. They continue on in the introduction talking about how they came to this so called "enlightenment" and conclude with saying that we as designers have to change our designing methods instead of placing the blame on nature. After all, nature was the first designer.

Class Reflection 05

After hearing the lecture on color, I became even more interested in design because of the numerous ways it can affect people in general and the number of factors the play a role in design. Being a very observant guy and paying much attention to what I see, I understand how much of an impact different colors have on our lives.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Assignment 03 - Hunting Down Design

Team Members:
       Mary Polanski -
       Aaron Gegas -

The first two clues were easy to find for us because two of the members in our group either took classes at the Knowlton School of Architecture or is an Architecture major. We also figured that the Barcelona Chair was in the Architecture Library because we knew that there is a collection of designer chairs in there. While in the Architecture Library, we all worked together to research the other 3 clues and made our way to them, going from the SAS Building to Math Tower then to the Wexner Center. To take the various pictures, we all took turns in posing so that we would each have an individual picture for each clue.



Journal 04



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reading Reflection 04

Chapters 7 and 8 discussed Identities and Systems. In the first chapter, Heskett talked about how different cultures, nations, and environments portray various things in the world differently and how many different objects hold identities for those people. Designers must take this into consideration. In the next chapter, he talked about systems, how many different objects and things can collectively come together to display a single idea as a whole. He mainly used transportation and road signs as examples but this can be seen everywhere there are people trying to communicate with other people or get a message across.

Class Reflection 04

I learned a lot this past week in class about accessibility and how designers should be designing universally and in ways that do not exclude certain demographics. The lecture on accessibility really heightened my interest for design because I believe that one of my gifts and desires in life is to be a problem solver, and knowing that the field of design has a great need for these types of problem solvers, it makes me even more excited to become some type of designer.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Reading Reflection 03

Chapters 4, 5, and 6 offer very interesting information that I never thought of before. All three chapters talked about how there is more to the objects that designers design than we think of what is even seen. So much more is taken into account before and during the design process of a single object or idea because the designers have to consider the many different ways the object could be used, can communicate ideas, and affect its surrounding. It seems like being a designer takes a lot more thinking than I first thought; none-the-less, it sounds very intriguing and exciting.

Class Reflection 03

I thought the lecture from last Wednesday was very interesting. After spending so much time in architecture firms and learning countless information about architecture processes and the profession as a whole, it was good to see another profession with a similar process of doing things. I was in fact surprised to find out that the Design process is very similar to the Architecture process of completing a project. This particular class definitely opened my eyes and mode me more aware of what kind of work I would be doing as either a professional designer or a licensed architect.

Journal 03 - Survey

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Assignment 02 - Designer 3: Ettore Sottsass

Ettore Sottsass is best known for creating the design group called Memphis, but many of his works have been well know as well. As a child, he enjoyed art very much, especially painting; however, Ettore Sottsass Sr. made his son study at Turin Polytechnic to become an architect in 1939. Throughout his life, Sottsass would always take photographs of almost “everything that caught his eye” and drew inspiration from the cultures and environments around him ( He was also skilled in the art of ceramics, so when he ventured to New York in 1956, Sottsass was commissioned for a number of ceramic projects in addition to focusing on industrial design. During this period of industrial and product design, Sottsass also designed a new typewriter, calculator, and designs for rooms called “’superbox’ closets in stripely plastic laminate” and a “mobile multi-functional fiberglass furniture unit” ( In 1980, Sottsass and 20 other designers started the notorious design group called Memphis. This group’s main objective “was to revive Radical Design” along with furthering Ettore’s thinking and ideas by putting them to work ( While in Memphis, he also designed mealware, glassware, and other furniture until 1985. Upon resigning from the group in 1988, Ettore Sottsass definitely lived up to his motives; instead of making design solely about functionalism, he insisted that “design should also be sensual and exciting” (